วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Legend of:The Great Jaguar Beasts Of Teotihuacan [a Poetic Mytho]

[The Great Jaguar Beasts were the conquers of the
4th World Order on earth, 22,700 BC]

Prologue: we are about to take a trip, I will be the celestial navigator through time and space, into the signs of time; but we all must take a "Leap of Faith," as I translate the mathematical formulas into constellations into the modern age. The truth of the matter is they don't know they are being talked about, or even that we've found out about them. The jaguars and the giants--the old ones, beasts of the earth; by Mexico City, where once the Alter of the Giants resided; here is where they made their sacrifices. Here at the site is where 150-skeleton bones were found; bones of giants (demonic); bones like dinosaurs. Here is where our legend starts.

The Ages

Eras and epochs, humanities rhymes

Have come and gone, passed with time:

Ice Ages, floods, winds, heat and storms;

Devouring, freezing, burying ancient man

In multi-tombs: glacial, strata, lava-ruins.

Then out of nowhere, so it seemed

Came Giants, and creepy angelic beings:

Demons, ghouls, imps and morbid fairies.

--But once upon a time, there were

The unknown deadly, saber tooth beasts

Who ruled earths, New World Order

The fearless hybrids, the Great Jaguars!

Ah! but they are but a lost legend

Left, without much trying thought

For we have never seen them--

But on the walls of Teotihuacán

Legends now carved in colored rock

Thus, the Great Jaguar beasts live on.

Walk down, down the Road of the Dead

There you will see the Jaguar's head

Slowly, slowly by the high pyramids

The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon

In red stone: blood-stone, stone on stone.

The Giants

The giants were eating all the food of the lands. They were all over the world. Matter-of-fact, the 4th world cycle was coming to an end. First the world was destroyed by the winds, then by the rains and now it would be by a great flood. There would be one more after this one, and that would be destroyed by fire, but they didn't know that at the time. As the giants turned to cannibalism, and the great saber tooth cats became larger each year, so did their appetites. In a strange way, God seems to have balance things out. Some of the cats were 800 lbs.

It was past their time, for the Giants,

The sons and daughters of the fallen,

The Angelic Renegades, the Watchers,

Whom were buried alive by Ure'al--

(of the 3rd World Order)

The archangel, sent by God to destroy

Sent to Earth to stop the curse--

The blight of the Angelic Renegades...

But the Giants did the same on earth

Worse, cannibalism, eating men alive

And hence, this ushered in the 4th Epoch:

The Jaguars' time--who in turn ate...

Ate the giants, in war like crimes.

It was a time of cosmic storms, winds

Rains, and floods and volcanic whims

All changing the face of the earth

Washing away sins, sins after sins....

Stone Men

Then, then the stone men came out

Out from hiding inside their caves--

Feeling all was safe again to parade

Parade around the many graves--

Two-thousand giant graves, they say

But the Jaguars still were kings--

And man had almost vanished again...

So out he came, leaving his paintings

Carved animal scenes on walls, lost

From cosmic events, deadly rains,

Deadly giants, demons and Jaguars

Of the, the forth age of humanity....

[The New Epoch had begun.] A wet dark, vibrating in the air, like insect wings--flapping together was taking place; vibrating everywhere. Then a wet stormy silence: not a sound, but the frequency, like wavelengths picked up; a new era had begun for man!

The Hunt

God's grace now strengthened man's spine

Out of water, fire, clay and time--

Putting power now in his stance and feet

And cleverness in his cerebral brain--

Thus, now he was a match for anything!

Ah! yes, oh yes, He lowered his brow:

Pushed up his chin; opened his eyes

Arched his back, anchored his thighs

He was now the great hunter--

The hunter, of all living things.

Note: written: as a short story, 2003, rewritten in January, 2005 as Poetic Mythos; pictures drawn between 3/2004-5/2004.

