วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Which Bar Stools Did Hemingway Sit On?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Have you ever thought about which bar stools Hemingway would have sat on? This probably isn't the type of thing that would enter the average person's mind on a daily basis but for some people, particularly Hemingway fans, it is a reasonable question.

A recent news story from sunny Florida brought this question to light for many people. The famous and upscale Sloppy Joe's Bar are taking the owners of Captain Tony's Saloon to court to settle an issue over who can really claim rights as the owner of the original Sloppy Joe's as well as bragging rights for a piece of the legend of Ernest Hemingway. The lawsuit which was filed on July 7th in the US District Court said that Captain Tony's infringed on the trademark of Sloppy Joe's. Legends say that Hemingway spent a great time drinking and writing at each bar. Fans of the individual bars argue over the facts that Hemingway ever drank or even visited the opposing bar.

Regardless of which bar is the true owner of the story, if either, there's one thing that's brought to mind when we think of this. If Hemingway really spent as many hours as they say (and as some of his stories would suggest) sitting in the bar writing, what kind of bar stools did he sit on. Were they comfortable? Did they have backs to them? Were they metal or wooden? Did these bar stools swivel?

There are so many questions which one might ponder about the chair that the famous Hemingway may have sat in for so many hours a day, writing and drinking. One would think that these bar stools were comfortable if he spent so much time in them but we can't say for certain. A regular, ordinary old wooden bar stool may have been his thing. Writers are known for their intricacies and this could have been one of Hemingway's.

Since there's no proof of which bar, if either, Hemingway really spent so much time at, it's hard to say exactly what kind of bar stools he sat on. One thing we can assume is that the bar stools he sat on were most likely similar to the other styles of the times. You can look at the era in which Hemingway would have been frequenting bars to get an idea for the types of stools that may have been common but there is little proof of exactly what type he would have been sitting on. Since the bars themselves have also changed over the years, it's not likely they still have the same types of bar stools. This is especially true about Sloppy Joe's which has gained international fame as more than just a bar but also a restaurant, museum and tribute to Hemingway. Sloppy Joe's would be considered much more "high class" than bars of Hemingway's day and it's more like the bar stools he sat on were more like those of the quant Captain Tony's.

