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If you are a person who can do magic trick, of course, when you are at a friend's house or at a party, it can't be helped that your friends might come to you and ask you to show a trick. This kind of situation happens all the time.
In this situation, you usually have two choices : first, do a magic trick by using everyday object which can be found around, or second, do a magic card trick.
I suggest that the second way is a lot easier since the object you need to do a magic trick might not be found at that time, but a deck of playing card should not be problem.
One of the good card magic trick that I like to play with my friends is the "Card Prediction Trick." This kind of card trick is usually easy and it has a great effect. Besides, there is not much of a preparation and no tricky move. And the most important thing is, it is a self-working trick.
I have one card prediction trick for you to learn. It's called "Astounding Prediction"
Like I mentioned above, if anyone come to you in a party and ask you to show a magic trick, you just ask for a deck of card, a piece of paper, and an envelope.
First, you write your prediction on a paper which will read: "This evening 'John Smith' will select the Nine of Clubs." You can make it more interesting by predicting the time, but you must be sure you start your trick five minutes earlier. Of course, you must know one of the people who will be at the party because you will use him for your spectator. Then, you place a prediction paper in the envelope and put it in a prominent place in the living room.
Now for a trick. Be sure that the predicted card lies twen-one cards from the top of the deck. Set the deck on the table.
You then say: "I need help for this card magic trick. How about you, John?" Select the person whose name you predicted, in this case 'John Smith'
"Please cut off about a quarter of the pack and hold on to those cards until we need them." Then, you pick up the remainder of the pack and begin to deal cards onto the table from RIGHT to LEFT. Make sure each card overlaps the one before it. Each card should be showing. Deal twenty cards and stop.
You say: "John, you don't know how many cards you have there, do you? Perhaps we should count them." Have someone verify the count. Let us assume he has twelve cards. "Twelve! Ok, let's count twelve cards."
Now, you start counting cards from LEFT to RIGHT and setting the twelfth card aside. You say: "John, we came to this card strictly by chance. We had no idea how many cards you were going to cut to."
Point to the envelope that has been in the living room all the time since your card magic trick started. Stress that fact. "May we have the famous envelope? I will not touch it. No one has opened it since the trick started." You hand the envelope to one of your friend and have him to read the contents.
After that, have your spectator check the card that has been put aside earlier, and of course, your prediction will be correct.
Well, this trick would make you look like the person who is capable of knowing the outcome in advance.
Cool, isn't it?