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It is next to impossible to find a rigid, straight line in the outline of any animal. Nature seldom uses a straight line.
And so hen drawing animals, neither should you.
Here are some tips for drawing realistic animals:
The Horse - The body and legs of the horse fit into a square, with the head and neck extending out of one corner. The legs start downward from the midpoint of the square. Divide the main square again into four equal smaller squares. The length of the head will be about three fourths of one these smaller squares. Get these proportions right and you're halfway done.
The Cow - A square that reaches from the ground to the top of the head will enclose the body and legs. Divide this square into four smaller squares. One of these smaller squares will completely enclose the head. Make the top of the head level with the top of the back.
Drawing animals is every bit as difficult as drawing the human figure, sometimes more so. Animals don't tend to sit posed for very long. An easier method is to use a picture to copy.
Shading - In shading your drawings used delicate curved lines that radiate outward rather than paralleling each other. Make sure shadows blend, not stop abruptly, producing a harsh edge.
Insects lend themselves to drawing models quite nicely, especially when dead. They tend to stay put in that state.
Combinations of angular and curved lines produce contrast, which strengthens any drawing. Draw a bird with gentle curved lines seated in a tree top with hard angular lines used for branches. The resulting contrast produces a more realistic drawing.