There are many reasons why people want the magic. Some people want the applause, others want the amazement on the faces of those whom the public to see the view. And then there are those people who want to have fun. One of the best ways to impress your friends and family is with mental magic tricks. These tricks are fun to learn and to meet amazing, too. Every magician even a beginner should be a collection of mental magic tricks ready to impressAudience.
From your mind your opinion
Mental magic tricks mostly stay one step ahead of your audience. With most magic tricks, scientific principles used. However, mental magic tricks use more of a mathematical basis, namely the laws of probability and statistics. If you understand how to predict your questions from the audience the answer to some of you will be able to master many mental magic tricks.
1) Select aCard
Have you heard magicians tell his audience: selecting a card, a card. Here's a unique touch. Let your audience to think of a card. You can tell them the card reading their minds. This may sound like a magic trick Mental impossible happen in a much as possible.
In this trick, the magician is based on the fact that most people think of Diamonds Ace of Spades, Queen of hearts, six or nine clubs. Beforethe public to draw four cards from the deck and put them in different pockets.
Make sure to remember which card went in what pocket. Your audience will be amazed if they really pull the paper from his pocket. Mental magic tricks like this are cards based on the risk of people in particular. With that said, this trick works most of the time.
2) Pick a number
There are many mental magic tricksNumbers. Try this. Questions from the public on a number between 50 and 100 Select. The number must be straight and have different numbers. The usual answer 68. Once again, the idea is his only thought in front of your audience. Research shows that 68 is the probable choice.
3) pick another card
Fan out several cards before an audience member and ask them to choose a card. The cards should be face cards with a four hearts in half. Most peoplebrings the four of hearts, because it is different and the center.
All this mental magic tricks so far use math probabilities to succeed. Remember that although you can work in most cases, can not work all the time. In this case, be prepared to improvise. Magicians know that their performance is the magic key to success. If the trick fails, should proceed as planned, do not let the public know. Stay safe and control at allTimes.
4) Take a coin
Mental magic tricks don not always likely. this trick, the magician and the minds of viewers seem to work together to achieve a result unusual.
Ask someone for a coin and then palm in his hand. Have a bent coin ready in the same hand. Tell the person you look at the coin in your hand and place, bend it. Slide the bent coin in your hand and close your fist around it. Tell the personfocus on money, and when the hand opens, there's the proof!