If you are simple card tricks that are easy to learn and fascinating to observe how you have come to the right place. When you finish reading this you are the card trick in your arsenal that you will be able to use in order to entertain people anywhere you go in groups.
Here's how the public sees this amazing trick. Make a deck of cards. Convince someone to come to him, look through the deck, shuffle a couple of times. It will put back the cards stackand go sit down.
Then comes the bridge, and tell them that I have just returned from a conservation capacity. You can hear the smallest detail with your hands. So thin that you feel the surface of a card, and say exactly what the suit and the number is also the feeling of drawing with ink fingers extremely sensitive. You take the deck and hold it behind his back. You agree that you feel the hidden card. You can hold off the bridge, in front of an audience, so that only theircan see the hidden card. You read it, just to their amazement. Repeat this again and again, whenever you want. Each time the deck behind his back and submit them to the public so that only see the card. But they are mysteriously able to decrypt with your fingers.
Here's how to do the trick. It 'important to look quickly at the bottom of the deck the first time you pick up. To do this yourself without,You must do this before you explain what you will. This is the part where you need to tell some long and complicated story. Once the deck behind his back, split in half. Cut the deck, flip the middle, so that the bottom half up.
If you keep the bridge, you have the background paper (which you've already seen) in front of the public, and show the card to you (which they assume is a look down on paper) the next call will be conducted. Whenevermove the deck behind his back, just take the card you have just read, you can remove it and put it somewhere in the middle of the bridge. Then simply rotate the top so that the spectators card you can only view into consideration.
This requires some 'levels of practice, and maybe some friends willing. You need to be far enough away from your audience, so it would not be able to see how you really are holding the platform, and not be able to see what you do behind your back. As long as youtalk all the time, you should be OK. Have fun.