One of the most important secrets revealed magic practice. Practice in front of the mirror is one of the easiest ways to train your skills as a magician and performer. The problem is that a mirror of what many people do not always convenient. Need a mirror of about 2 meters, or 600 mm wide and about three feet or three feet high. Put the mirror on a table, leaning against a wall. You will practiceTable.
Imagine you are standing or sitting in front of the audience on a magical-up close-quarters situation. Looking back and looking at the physical classroom, you need the viewer in a position half way mirrors between you and your listeners would, for the magic tricks on the street, or enjoy the same effect would be to see what you're doing a table.
I put the mirror and focus on the reflection in the mirror of your hand. Now supposethe public the same level as you, you get an almost perfect public a bird's-eye view of what you are doing! Change the angle of the mirror to see how people are on one side. Focus on slow movements that are made to check, look in the mirror exactly what the public can see. Keep the focus on the right corner of the card - remember, you do this trick for the public to see, not for you, you see, it is important that before this law is perfectlymoves or sleight of hand.
Another method that can be used with a camcorder or digital camera with video function. Remember it is not the quality of the movies you want to achieve, if not perfectly framed or high-definition, this is not a big problem. The purpose of the exercise is to try and see what the audience sees. The best magic trick is done, of course, so this, you get what you want. Use a tripod for best effect andto test a different angle, you do not need some 'expensive end, a basic, cheap tripod will be fine. To get the best performance from your camcorder, it is extremely important to use good lighting. You do not have to run immediately and expensive lighting equipment. Some good lighting is well at home.
Remember that we are not trying to get Cinematography Oscar winner - let's see how natural it is running magic trick experiment.with the equipment you have - use slow motion, or play what you shoot at a slower speed. Remember that what you are trying to perfect operation is a natural movement and cards or coins if the money practicing magic tricks. Also, remember that the camera never lies and in many ways, this is a much more effective test a mirror. Have fun and, as always, do not forget the hat you have to practice each step until it hundreds of times with your eyesclosed.