วันศุกร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

magic tricks you can do with ease

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Criss Angel and David Copperfield are two of the most famous magician in the world of entertainment. Their performances have renewed interest in magic tricks, which regularly attract large crowds to their shows.

If you want to be a master magician, there are at home you can do simple magic tricks. In this article we show you some techniques that will help the audience is incredible.

For the "Film Prediction" trick, ask several people to each name a movie andWrite each title on a separate piece of paper. Fold the piece of paper and throw them in a container. After writing the book, write the name of one of the film from slipping on a final and show them.

You have arrived at a volunteer in the container, randomly select a piece of paper and read it aloud. It 'a film that is predicted. How is this possible? When the first volunteers of a movie, say "Pirates of the Caribbean," he notes.

When the other volunteersThe name of a movie, go with "Pirates of the Caribbean" on each sheet. This is the secret. Just be casual to worry that you do not see what you write!

One of the easiest magic tricks will perform "Cold As Ice." This requires a little preparation, but it is very easy to do. Pour a bit 'of water in a cup and whisper magical words. When you turn the cup is all that comes out of a piece of ice!

The secret is the cup contains a sponge takesWater and prevents water leakage. The ice is already on the sponge and simply falls out. Previously, stuff the sponge into the cup and make sure it rests on the floor.

Put the ice up and you're ready to go. Before you make the show, you will have the amount of cups of water for irrigation experiment in more water pours in, the more impressive the trick will be, but beware, if you pour too much water into the foam cupnot to include the location of everything.

These are simple magic tricks, but there are some things you can do to look like it came right out of a magical world! Note that a magician never tells his secrets.

Resist the temptation to show how the trick worked, and never the same trick more than once for the same audience. It also makes the audience to guess how it was done.

Everywhere you can borrow items from the public.In tune with the public makes it seem like the magician has no time to do something sneaky to the item had to do.

Create an aura of magical illusions will make you a hit, every party, but it is important that your first practice magic tricks. Never use a trick to an audience if you are very familiar with the routine.

It 'also important to be alive and are enthusiastic during implementation. Your enthusiasm is contagious and the audienceEnjoy the time and that impressed with your skill.

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