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Did you know that there are at least eight different classifications are truly magical tricks? While there is no real science or a formal agreement on which the classification is not, or should a separate category, many magicians can recognize a production point of escape, transformation, restoration, Teleportation, levitation, penetration, and forecasts of the eight categories of effects of magic trick. Each category represents a certain kind of effect andknow a bit 'all the effects you can easily concentrate on training tips from this class over the other. So let's look at what is in each category and see some examples of tricks to the best represented.
- Production is indeed something that if the magician does not reveal anything. This is the opposite of Fire.
- Examples:
Pull a rabbit from a hat.
Remove a coin from one ear to the subscriber.
- Vanishing effectswizards are under something and goes. This is the opposite of production.
- Examples:
Revealing an empty field after the server has just used.
A bird disappear under a cloth.
- Transformation, indeed, if the magician does something from one state to another. This is achieved by a combination of points of production and flight.
- Examples:
Change the color of a handkerchief.
Discover the mapMembers put in the deck to the card in hand. effects include the restoration, the magician an item that has been destroyed, and restore the original state.
- Examples:
Put a card that has torn up again as new.
Replacing a server that you have just cut in half.
- Effects Teleport include the magician moving an object from its original location to a new location. This effect has twoItems with each change of location (teleportation Double).
- Examples:
Map of the participants is established only within your deck actually the paper in his pocket.
His assistant, who turned out to be closet to the public.
- Effects include levitation magician, the illusion that an object or even swim.
- Examples:
David Blane floated several inches off the floor.
Floating a coin between theMani.
- Effects include Wizards Penetration of an object completely solid and completely through another solid object.
- Examples:
Place swords into holes in a cabinet that the staff is.
A walk through the Great Wall of China.
- Weather effects include magicians in determining the outcome of a sequence of events.
- Examples:
The knowledge that the paper chose the participants.
Describe a picture of yourParticipants have the back as he addressed them.
There are many magicians who specialize in one type of effect to another, but most magicians are able to fuse the different effects that offer a variety of routine. Many tricks actually include several effects in one, as one of the oldest magic tricks in general, the cups and balls routine that actually uses aspects of production, exile, transformation, teleportation and penetration.