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Street Magic Revealed
Street Magic revealed is the telling of the truth about how Street Magic is done, this includes all the mystery's that is kept by the performers and their trade secrets. We must first look at Street Magic for what it truly is. Street magic has its roots in Busking. Busking is a name that takes its roots of Street Magic back to around the 16th century. In essence it is performing a trick or Magic act on an audience without the guaranty of pay or profit.
The Magician generally uses some form of a magic like a card trick or illusion to capture their audience to engage their sidewalk show. The audience in turn will watch in amazement and feel somewhat obligated to reward the Magician in a monetary way. Usually this is facilitated thru passing the Hat type of collections. So in order for the Street Magic to work the Magician must perpetuate a trick of this order to cause a grouping for their audience. Usually an audience after the show will ask the performing Magician to reveal the essence of their trick.
A true Magician will not allow their Street Magic revealed to the audience. Street Magic revealed is a problem for the performing Magician. When a Trick or Magic Act is revealed the Trick or act loses all effectiveness on others and is no longer a mystery to the audience. Street Magic revealed is the Magician's enemy. A Magician must go through many years of practice to become effective at their magic tricks. Once the Magician is competent at their trick they can present it to an audience who in turn is the final word on whether or not the Magician is any good at the Trick or Illusion.
The first step is getting what is called the Pledge from the audience. A Pledge is in essence the gathering of the audiences trust and belief in the Magicians ability's. Street Magic revealed to the general public has done a real disservice to this Art. It has taken away the Magic and impact of the Magician as a true entertainment act.
Once the Magician has the audiences trust then they must weave a web of performing a Trick that through Sleight of Hand, Allusion or sometimes even coercion causes the audience to believe that they have seen something out of the ordinary and Magical. The results of the audience giving this pledge to the Street Magician are what will make the rest of the performance even more impacting resulting in those loyal fans wanting to cut loose with their money and deliver it up to the passing hat collection that the Magician depends on for his lively hood.
We all know that the Magic in general is some form of trick but the truth of how these Street Magicians pull off their act is rooted in one's childhood beliefs of something magical and mysterious abounding on the horizon. We as humans look forward to seeing something magical and unexplained and the Street Magic magician presents that to us in a way that fulfills our wanting for Magic and Mystery.
The truth is had all the Magic revealed been presented to the same audience who sees a Trick that they believe is Magical their beliefs would be quite different and the Magician would never be able to get the one article they need to perform and pull of the show, that item is the audiences Pledge of belief in the Magician.